Science-Fiction Novel

Volume 4

by Mary Wise


In the Amazon Basin, a ruined ancient megalith city with pyramids was found and an entrance to an underground city. Under the wall of the ruined temple of the megalith city, a stone box was found with ancient chronicles saying that ‘Gods’ from the outer space built this megalith city and many others. These ‘Gods’ left 13 years before the last big cataclysm, which devastated the Earth 12,500 years ago. However, two of them came back 5,000 years ago. This finding is the basis of the present book “Earthly Gods from Outer Space”.

Book cover 'EARTHLY GODS FROM OUTER SPACE'Amazingly, our study of the glaciers found that the last Big Ice Age started 12,500 years ago during the most devastating Leo Age, which proves the chronicles right. Were there space visitors who were worshiped on Earth as Gods? The heroes Dan and Marie-Louise, after a profound search, answer this question positively. The space visitors, advanced in knowledge and technology, were called Demi-Gods and worshiped as Gods, but they were Gods in flesh.

Many ancient sources: myths of Zulu and Dogon tribes in Africa, Nordic myths, and ancient Egyptian, Hindu, Chinese, and Sumerian texts claim that there were star-born visitors worshiped on Earth as Gods. Dan and Marie-Louise found in many of these sources descriptions of these ‘Gods’ in flesh – their appearance, personality, and vehicles.

Read the book to find out how these Earthly ‘Gods’ looked and what they built on Earth. The book offers 35 illustrations, some of them of the ‘Gods’, and the names of some of them.

ISBN: 1-893637-66-2, Earthly 'Gods' from the Outer Space (copyright 2010) - science fiction novel; ancient chronicles in Amazon Basin & modern study of the glaciers; Earthly 'Gods' - their appearance and personalities; description of Earthly 'Gods' in African, American, Asian, and Scandinavian texts.

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