Research on Global Warming

by Dr. Maria Kuman


hat is really going on?

  • The average temperatures are creeping up - we have seen this during our lifetime.
  • The polar icecaps are melting: 10% of the ice was melted between 1987 and 1997, but 50% between 1997 and 2007, as the reputable scientific journal Physics Today stated [1], [2], [3].
  • As a result, the penguins on the South Pole (Antarctica) are massively dying because they feed on krill (shrimp-like creatures), which feed on algae on the bottom of the ice. With the shrinking ice, the population of krill was dramatically reduced, and so was the penguin population - 85% of the penguins on Antarctica are already dead (see PBS NOVA program of January 20, 2016). Also the white bears are in danger of extinction because of the shrinking ice.
  • The icecaps of the mountain Kilimanjaro in Africa and the mountains of Chili in South America have melted and probably droughts at both places will follow (see my book: New Apocalypse? What the Ancients Knew that We Don't Know) [4].
  • The magnetic field of earth rapidly decreases. Some areas have zero magnetic fields, while others already have reverse polarity. For example, in the Southern hemisphere the South Pole and the South Atlantic already have northern polarity. The ozone layer over the places with reverse polarity is thinning and forming ozone holes. (See my book: New Apocalypse? What the Ancients Knew that We Don't Know) [4].

What does the study of the glaciers say?

More than fifty years of studies of the glaciers [5] show that the climate on earth changes periodically and the temperatures alternate from hot to cold, and hot again, etc.

Global Temperature Over the Last 10,000 Years

The above graphic is from the book of John and Katherine Imbri: Ice Ages - Solving the Mystery [5]. The average periodicity of the cold Ice Ages was found to be 2,562 years.

The glacier's studies have registered so far one Big Ice Age followed by four mini Ice Ages. We are now heading to a further fifth warming.

What the ancient texts say

The ancient astronomy of the Hindu's Surya Siddhanta says that one cycle of precession of the earth's axis around the polar star is done for 25,920 earth years of 360 days. Since our years are now 365 days, by recalculating the cycle of precession for years of 365 days, we are getting for the cycle of precession the number 25,565 years of 365 days.

According to Surya Siddhanta, during one cycle of precession there are nine Mini Ice Ages and one Big Ice Age - always during the Leo Age. This makes the periodicity of Ice Ages 1/10 of 25,565 years of 365 days, which is 2,556 years. Compare this to our modern value of 2,562 years based on study of the glaciers. The difference is less than 0.3%.

Our most accurate value for the cycle of precession (of year 2000) is 25,720 earth years. If during one cycle of precession there are 10 Ice Ages, as Surya Siddhanta claims, then the periodicity of the Ice Ages is 1/10 of 25,720 years, i.e. 2,572 years.

Study of the glaciers gives 2,562 years for the periodicity of Ice Ages. Since one cycle of precession contains the total of 10 Ice Ages, one cycle of precession must last 25,620 years and our latest value of year 2000 is 25,720 years. Since the cycle of precession is large, the difference between the two values is only 0.4%. This leaves space for additional improvement of our accuracy.

Why should the ancient astronomy be trusted? How could they have known? Surya Siddhanta says that this was the knowledge of our fathers. They were demi-gods who came from the fourth planet orbiting the double star Sirius. One year of the demi-gods was 360 earth years.

All numbers in the ancient astronomy Surya Siddhanta about the universe and its cycles are first given in years of the demi-gods first and then multiplied by 360 to transfer them to earth years.

The extraterrestrial origin of the ancient astronomy Surya Siddhanta explains its accuracy. Obviously, the visitors from Sirius had advanced knowledge and technology. For that reason, the earth inhabitants considered them demi-gods and  worshiped them as gods.

What does modern science say?

Are We Facing Flipping of the Poles?

Study of the magnetic properties of lava, by Professor Mike Fuller of the University of Hawaii, showed that the earth poles flip irregularly, but each flipping is preceded by a dramatic decrease in the magnetic field of the earth. The poles shift when the magnetic field decreases to 80% of its normal value. [4]

At the present moment the magnetic field of earth is 30% under its normal value. At the same time its frequency is the highest possible - 13 Hz (it varies between 8 and 13 Hz). Some of our scientists already agree that we are facing flipping of the poles [4].

As the magnetic field of the earth continues to drop, this is what we can expect to happen according to the Bulletin of the Royal Astronomical Society of the United Kingdom, section Geophysics, p. 29 of January 2004:

Weak magnetic field of the earth means decreased ionosphere, which will make us more sensitive to solar wind and changes in the solar activity. They can:

  • influence the aircraft control systems of planes, spacecraft, etc. done by computers;
  • alter computer memories on earth;
  • alter or even damage power transmission systems causing black-outs;
  • damage permanently the dielectric components of electronic circuits, etc.

They can also make the sickness germs on earth more virulent, mutate them into new types of germs, and decrease the immune ability of the people (see Chizhevski, Terrestrial Echo of Solar Storms (Russ.)).

When can this be expected?

Comparing ancient wisdom and modern science

The Babylonian astronomers recorded flipping of the poles in 3102 B.C. However, the Mayans say it was in 3113 B.C. According to Hindu texts, this marked the beginning of the fourth Age - Kali Yuga - which is the most destructive and chaotic. Yuga is the time period between two major disasters, which usually coincide with flipping of the poles.

Flipping of the magnetic poles of the sun would lead to very low solar activity and would bring the next Mini Ice Age. Since the magnetic poles of the Sun didn't flip in 2012, as the Mayan's calandar predicted, probably the Babylonian and Hindu calendars are the more accurate ones, and flipping of the magnetic poles of the Sun could be expected in 2023. On December 21, 2020, seven planets are to be aligned at one side of the Sun. The sum up of their magnetic moments would create a one-sided magnetic field gradient, which is expected to flip the magnetic poles of the Sun [6].

A very low solar activity will follow, which would bring the next Mini Ice Age [6]. But would flipping of the magnetic poles of the Earth follow? Since the satellites orbiting the Earth show that our Earth is cleaved, not a sphere, the magnetic poles of the Earth may flip or they may not.

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Cited Literature

[1]. David Kramer, Physics Today, 66, #2, 17 (2013).

[2]. M.O. Jeffries, J.E. Overland, D.K. Perovich, Physics Today, 66, #10, 35, (2013).

[3]. S. Weart, Physics Today, 68, #9, 46 (2015).

[4]. M. Kuman, New Apocalypse? What the Ancients Knew that We Don't Know, Health and Happiness Books, 2000.

[5]. John and Katherine Imbri: Ice Ages - Solving the Mystery, 1979.

[6]. M. Kuman, Nonlinear Dynamic Model Explains the Solar Dynamic, APS Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, March 14-18, 2016.